jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009

Jamie´s Truffles!!!!

A nada que hayas vivido en England o hayas pasado por alli de visita, en estos meses te daras cuenta de que empiezan las navidades muuuchooo antes que nosotros. Y ya si has visto un supermercado de los suyos, podras comprobar como dedican un pasillo entero (y uno de los grandes) a la multitud de dulces y chuches que tienen. Y navidad es una buena excusa para empezar a comer esos dulces que tanto les gustan a ellos. Yo lo unico que recuerdo de los dulces de navidad de Inglaterra es que todos tenian,.....MAZAPAN!!! y no me gusta na de na....la cara de asco que debia de poner cada vez que me llevaba el cachito de pastel a la boca tenia que ser graciosa, pq los papis de Angus y Gregor siempre se reian....a por cierto, era mazapan y las jodidas RAISINS (tooooodooo era con raisins.....).

en fin, que como buen ingles que es, mi idolatrado Jamie Oliver tambien se ha subido al carro adelantado de la navidad, y en su pagina webs, ya tiene subidas recetas acordes con la epoca....la que yo os dejo aki a mas de uno le gustara,...por cierot la dejo en ingles pq no tengo tiempo de ponerme a traducir, y pq no creo que sea mu dificil de entender,....de todas formas si teneis alguna duda, podeis recurrir a Mika´s enciclopedy, que lo mismo te traduce esto, que te dice que era Don Pinpon y no Espinete (cosa que da igual, pq los dos estaban hechos del mismo material...listillooo)

makes about 50 teaspoon-sized truffles

• 300ml double cream (En España no la he visto en mi vida,..y no es nata)
• a knob of unsalted butter
• finely grated zest from 1 clementine
• 300g good-quality dark chocolate (70% cocoa solids), broken into small pieces
• a pinch sea salt
• a splash of brandy
• a handful of mixed nuts (Brazil nuts, toasted almonds and hazelnuts)
• 3 tablespoons cocoa powder, to serve
• 1 pack biscotti, to serve
• 1 bottle of Vin Santo, to serve

dessert recipes
These are deconstructed chocolate truffles and if you arrange this nicely on a table, put a few cocktail sticks next to them and let people get stuck in and make their own I’m telling you, you’ll have some excited guests. It’s interesting, it’s different and to be able to make your own truffle is really quite cool, not to mention delicious. It’s worth remembering that chocolate is friends with lots of different booze so if you prefer, you can swap out the brandy here for rum, whiskey or red wine.

Put the cream in a pan over a medium heat and let it heat up. You don’t want it boiling, just hot. As soon as tiny bubbles start to appear add the knob of butter and the clementine zest. Once the butter has melted pour this hot mixture over the chocolate pieces whisking as you go so the chocolate melts nice and slowly. If the mixture splits slightly, don’t worry, you can bring it right by adding a splash of boiling water.

Add a pinch of salt to the mixture; it may sound bonkers, but the smallest pinch of salt actually makes chocolate taste even chocolatier! Stir in a splash of brandy.
Once completely melted and smooth, pour your melted chocolate mixture into a nice little serving dish or bowl. Pop this in the fridge for about 2 hours to set. Christmas is a busy time so you can always do this a few days before you need it if you want. About 30 minutes before you’re ready to make your truffles pull the bowl out of the fridge and let the chocolate warm up to room temperature.

Put your mixed nuts into a plastic bag and use a rolling pin to bash them up quite finely. Get some little saucers or bowls and put the nuts in one and your cocoa powder in the other. Put a teacup filled with boiled water on the tray and pop a few teaspoons in there for scooping the chocolate. Get everyone around the table to spoon their own truffles out of the serving dish and roll them in cocoa powder, crushed nuts or anything else you fancy. Or, you can let them smear their truffles over a biscotti like some posh Nutella! Serve with a few glasses of your chilled Vin Santo.

3 comentarios:

el kafe haciendose dijo...

chooooocolat!!!! ummmmmmm i like it sooooooo much.....please sisterrrr do some os these truffles this Christmas.....please pleasee pleaseeee...i neeed chocolat (ummmmm or maiby yo can do the "chocolat monster" oohh yeeeeeeeees)

alma dijo...

te invito a visitar

Anónimo dijo...

Buen comienzo